Colds and Flu
The snow is here, the weather is getting colder and there seems to be more people getting sick with a cold or the flu. To some people, it seems that getting sick during the winter is inevitable - more time spent indoors with other people and the temperature changes from outside to inside are more drastic. There is even research that suggests that up to 25% of our genes change with the season. So what do we do then to help prevent colds and flu? There are many nutrition claims out there stating that certain foods or nutrients will prevent or cure your cold. Let's dive a little deeper into these claims and see if there is any truth to them. Echinacea - Echinacea seems to be a popular suggestion when it comes to foods or nutrients that will help prevent or cure colds. When I dived into the research, it is typically suggested that, while echinacea does not prevent you from getting a cold, it may help with some cold symptoms such as sore throat. Garlic - N...